Monday, 18 April 2011

Game for Body Weight Exercises for Strength?

of body weight exercises come very handy for creating functional strength. But before moving on, remember that you must start with this exercise, but not before warming lights for a few minutes. You can do the warm-up walking, marching while standing in one place, or stepping side to side. The idea behind the heat of his body before leaving the body weight exercises for strength to get your blood circulating and your body temperature rises.

Here are four basic body weight exercises, which hold promise to increase their strength significantly.

handstand push up

This is another wonderful exercise of power. Kick your feet up against the wall, with your back touching the wall and lower yourself until your head touches the floor. Then, pick up back to the starting position. If this is too hard to start, you can always do a version of a tent with your feet on the floor or chair.

one-handed push - up

This in turn requires a large amount of power. When it is, make sure to broaden the base of their legs, or you roll over May. The goal here is not simply to be able to make one or two. The goal is to perform this exercise for multiple sets 10-15 reps each. And if you like it, you'll see your power increases by the day.

One Leg Squat

This is a pure exercise of power, which many are not able to do so due to the power needed. Many of you May not be able to do at the beginning so you'll have to find something to help you with that. You could try standing pole or a chair, you can catch in order to encourage to get out of exercise. best would be to use the rope tied to the ceiling of their garage or secured in the door, you can hold on.

Pull - Ups

pull-ups as part of a fantastic body weight exercises for strength. If you are looking for that big, powerful back, you simply need to do pull-ups. And when you reach a point where you can do 20-25 pull-ups in one set without any problems, then buy yourself a cheap backpack and load from 20 to 25 kg weight, to strap on and get back in your pull-ups routine. When doing pull-ups, just aim for your goal and do not stop until you reach it, no matter how expensive will take to achieve this.

As you progress, it would be advisable to build some parallettes, which allow a greater range of movement. You can even build them from themselves and that too at very little cost.

So, with these four basic body weight exercises for strength, you can literally find your strength increasing, even to unimagined levels. So, get going!

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